Luidsprekers om in te bouwen in bijvoorbeeld plafond of zijwanden
Tannoy CMS 503ICT BM
5" Full Range Ceiling Loudspeaker with ICT Driver for Installation Applications (Blind Mount)...
Tannoy CMS 801 SUB PI
8" Compact Ceiling Mounted Subwoofer for Installation Applications (Pre-Install)...
Tannoy CMS 1201DCT
12" Full Range Ceiling Loudspeaker with Dual Concentric Driver and Transformer for Installation Appl...
Tannoy CMS 603ICT BM
6 "full-range plafondluidspreker met ICT-stuurprogramma voor installatietoepassingen (blinde montage...
Tannoy CVS 8
8" Coaxial In-Ceiling Loudspeaker for Installation Applications...
Tannoy CVS 4
4" Coaxial In-Ceiling Loudspeaker for Installation Applications...
Tannoy CVS 4 MICRO
4" Coaxial In-Ceiling Loudspeaker with Shallow Back Can for Installation Applications...
Tannoy CVS 6
6" Coaxial In-Ceiling Loudspeaker for Installation Applications...
Tannoy CVS 6 (EN 54)
6" Coaxial In-Ceiling Loudspeaker for Installation Applications (EN 54 Certified)...
Tannoy CVS4 (EN54)
4" Coaxial In-Ceiling Loudspeaker for Installation Applications (EN 54 Certified)...
Tannoy CVS 6 BK
6" Coaxial In-Ceiling Loudspeaker for Installation Applications...
Tannoy CVS 8 BK
8" Coaxial In-Ceiling Loudspeaker for Installation Applications...
Tannoy CVS 4 MICRO (EN 54)
4" Coaxial In-Ceiling Loudspeaker with Shallow Back Can for Installation Applications (EN 54 Certifi...
Tannoy CVS 801S LZ
8" In-Ceiling Subwoofer Loudspeaker for Installation Applications - Low Impedance Operation Only...
Tannoy CVS 601
De 6.5" installatiespeaker die alles bied wat je maar kunt wensen voor een zachte prijs....
Witte ARCO Grill ten behoeve van de Tannoy CMS 803 plafondluidsprekers. Let op, alleen per 2 beschik...
Tannoy CVS 401
Een EN54-gecertificeerde 4" Coaxiale Loudspeaker voor installatie...
Back Can ten behoeve van Tannoy CMS 801 PI Series installatie-plafondluidspreker...